Thursday, November 23, 2017


SYNOPSIS: Welcome one and all to the 15th episode of Trash-O-Rama, Austin Popdan's 40-50 minute series of themed video mixtapes inspired by the likes of Forbidden Transmission and the Hypnotic Eye. For those unaware a video mixtape is the "best parts" of movies, tv shows, music videos, commercials or whatever edited together in a certain fasion.

Today's theme? Thanksgiving! No, really. Expect turkeys, Charlie Brown, Native Americans, gore, nudity, the Three Stooges and me desperately trying to find entertaining clips related to Thanksgiving.
Full title Trash O Rama Episode 15: Our One And Only Thanksgiving Special Because Let's Face It No One Really Cares About Thanksgiving. View more episodes of Trash O Rama video mixtapes at Austin Popdan's archive account under the user name JamesBatman.

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